Chris Hrybacz
In fact within all 'game' with rules abuse is none as a victory.
Despite from theory fooling anybody to alike wrong is abuse.
Despite from theory fooling anybody to alike wrong is abuse.
Apocrypteologists Revelations 24:7 from most secret Crypt Bible.
"At image of own thirst GOD has granted man full power of love."
Tricky truly has been Revelations 21:6 to every understandin' on.
What would you say if I've told you that in reflection might have been none of understandin' ever?
So where truly originates from? Who've understood correctly whether solutions found or formed?
Co ktokolwiek ma przed sobฤ
jeลผeli w ogรณle, nie moลผe byฤ rรณลผnicฤ
juลผ teraz, po za poglฤ
Po za politykฤ
nigdy nie zmusza do wyboru nikt, kto nie wie na czym polega rรณลผnica pomiฤdzy.
Whomever've believe in his cheat ability skill over GOD may've somewhat got shot away forever.
Decided as I differ who I am totally from those who consider rights a way to cheat and life a flesh.
Jak i systemu nie ma autorytetu 'rozumiejฤ
cego' nikt z tych, ktรณrzy nie zrozumieli tego poprawnie.
Topics as for art, right and correctness.
Maybe some people have never wondered why there are no white cats with black paws around the world or why there is no cat with purly red fur. Why in all the right places even certain colors are most simply out of place. Why in Poland many people laugh at the word righteousness while maintaining somewhat certain respect for the law itself, what is art in relation to correctness. Are mistakes in art not only a slippery subject, not verifiable about the possibility of examination. Is it at all possible to find total mistake in art that properly define serious incorrectness.
And so, in example whether ignoring the importance of 'education' and seriousness in this matter is at place as well as the anywhere ignored right of a person truly having education therfore does form a total mistake in art, which certainly always are recognizable as idiotic.
"Sztuka to nie ลwiatลo sztuki maniery artystycznej, gdyลผ prawdziwa sztuka to nigdy tylko ลwiatลo."
I used to laugh from fact that I exist as life, but rather not joke from how I'm livin' between people.
Some of whom I've met were feeling same while nonconsciously being about it even truly wrong.
Believe it makes difference. Really not about myst of anything behind word Rastafari it is, but life.
Brave enough this time to somewhat finally state as what I may need right now is mostly my time:
Ain't that I need anything from those chasing to get job yet, if only truly for what they rob me from.
Expected some right about? Sure thing - simply as fair as anyone tried to be as fair I treat him as.
It seems that life of man is a long way full of fun in awaiting for truly respectful not just any.
What you drew happiness from about somebody are your lifetime choices that are on you.
iPe ID: [ iPenix.pl/KrzysztofHrybacz ]
# gpg --import KrzysztofHrybacz.pgp
# gpg KrzysztofHrybacz.iPe
# unzip KrzysztofHrybacz.zip
And a piece of advice think different to differ assholes as different from idiots we may have been.
All wisdoms are mostly rather theories that become truth of importance in a situation accordingly.
All wisdoms are mostly rather theories that become truth of importance in a situation accordingly.
I don't need no clue whether we're same mostly, but I will be correction of any at all improper one.
Over some time I'm not as religious as I used to be when I was young, but I'm totally sure I won't ever give in to preach of false theories of misidentifying, false theories of mistiming, any false theory of misplacement and no theories of love like love could ever have been just theory.
To those filled with some theories of leftism: Just wanted to know what you consider wrong at all? If wrong isn't mostly about simple definition of "being not right about someone and totally unfair to him forming obvious abuse"? Consider comparing "incorrect" as meaning of wrong to mentioned?